Govt of Balochistan  Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department 2021 latest jobs advertisement

The Government of Balochistan has announced new vacancies on contract basis in the Primary and Healthcare Department. All candidates living in Balochistan can apply in this new Government of Balochistan Primary and Health Job Care Department. Both male and female can apply.  And candidates who have experience have a good chance of doing a government job

Jobs Location


Publish Date


Last Date



Literate to Master


Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department


Govt  Jobs


  1. Project Director
  2. Assistant Engineer
  3. IT Officer/Database Developer
  4. Bio-Medical Engineer
  5. Executive Engineer
  6. Sub Engineer
  7. Office Assistant
  8. File Keeper
  9. Driver

How to Apply

Candidates who are interested in this job should send their documents before the last date to the address in the advertisement given below.          

Govt of Balochistan  Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department