THQ Tangir  Hospital Gilgit Baltistan 2021 jobs

THQ hospital tangir has advertised there jobs in gilgit baltistan for July 2021. Candidates can apply all across the Pakistan for That jobs. Candidates who are interested must be litrare and age of 18 to 35 should apply for that government jobs.

Jobs Location

Gilgit Baltistan

Publish Date


Last Date



Literate to Middle


THQ Tangir  Hospital Gilgit Baltistan


Government  Jobs


  1. Driver
  2. Naib Qasid
  3. Chowkidar
  4. Dhobi
  5. Dai
  6. Cook
  7. Sweeper
  8. Multipurpose G-1

How to Apply

Interested candidate should submit application form at the given address mentioned below in advertisement before closing date.        

Read also: Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (NPSL) and (PCSIR) 2021 Latest jobs advertisement   

THQ Tangir  Hospital Gilgit Baltistan 2021 jobs